How to Contact Us

If you would like us to consider representing you regarding an issue you are having with a business or merchant, please send us an email at, providing as much of the following information as you can:

What is the name and location of the business or merchant about which you believe you have a legal issue?

What did the business or merchant do that you believe was illegal, deceptive or unfair?

Approximately when did the business or merchant take the actions you believe were illegal, deceptive or unfair?

Have there been any lawsuits filed in court related to the facts about which you wish to consult us?

If so, please list the Court and the docket number, of if you do not have this information explain as best you can what lawsuits have already been filed and what their procedural status is.

Once you email us the above information, we will determine whether or not we might be able to offer you representation and, if so, we will contact you for further information. __________________________________________________________
Mailing Address, E-Mail and Telephone/Facsimile Numbers:

Houston & Totaro
277 Fairfield Road, Suite 200
Fairfield, N.J. 07004
Telephone: (973) 228-6200
Facsimile: (973) 228-6213